第6节 k3s Runtime Design

❤️💕💕记录sealosopen in new window开源项目的学习过程。k8s,docker和云原生的学习open in new window。Myblog:http://nsddd.topopen in new window



The community has great expectations for k3s. we need a more lightweight runtime (#issueopen in new window)

  • With high availability, reduce installation cost
  • high availability etcd
  • runtime interface need spilt kubeadm and k3s and k0s,Interface layer exposure, alignment
  • new_runtime.go determines which runtime.go to call based on the parameters passed in
  • k3s rootfs
  • Add a corresponding test function
  • Minimum resource test k3s vs k0sopen in new window

module list

|____new_runtime.go # new_runtime determines which runtime.go to call based on the parameters passed in
| |____common.go
| |____delete_masters.go
| |____delete_nodes.go
| |____init.go
| |____join_masters.go
| |____join_nodes.go
| |____README.md
| |____registry.go
| |____reset.go
| |____runtime.go
| |____upgrade.go
| |____utils.go
| |____v1beta1
| | |____types.go
| |____clean.go
| |____driver.go
| |____init.go
| |____join_masters.go
| |____join_nodes.go
| |____kubeadm
| | |____common.go
| | |____kubeadm_config.go
| | |____kubeadm_config_test.go
| |____runtime.go
| |____utils.go

interface(☕in preparation…)

type Interface interface {
	// Init exec kubeadm init
	Init(cluster *v2.Cluster) error
	Upgrade() error
	Reset() error
	JoinMasters(newMastersIPList []string) error
	JoinNodes(newNodesIPList []string) error
	DeleteMasters(mastersIPList []string) error
	DeleteNodes(nodesIPList []string) error
	//UpdateCert(certs []string) error
    NewK0sRuntime(cluster *v2.Cluster)(runtime.Installer, error) 

demo: 🧷 Runtime interface demonstrationopen in new window

achieve interface

  1. Support k3s to init、join、upgrade、reset k3s cluster
  2. Support docker as runtime
  3. Pakage the CloudImage




Kuberfile - k8s:

FROM scratch
COPY . .
COPY imageList manifests

Kuberfile - k0s:

COPY rootfs/* .
COPY ImageList manifests
BASE rootfs cache

Kuberfile - k3s:

My talking about packaging up a minimal Linux distribution to run K3s, similar to https://github.com/rancher/k3os? Or mean just the root filesystem, such as we provide with k3s via https://github.com/k3s-io/k3s-root ?


  1. Onlineopen in new window Installation
FROM scratch
COPY imageList manifests
RUN curl -sfL https://get.k3s.io | INSTALL_K3S_VERSION=v1.25.3 sh -
COPY . .
  1. Offlineopen in new window installation

k3s-insatll.shk3s-airgap-images-$ARCH.tark3sbinary system

FROM scratch
COPY imageList manifests
COPY . .

k3s - rootfs

sh install.sh There are a number of link types from bin

.# k3s rootfs
├── bin
│  ├── k3s
├── etc
│  ├── k3s
│  │   └── k3s.yaml
│  └── node
│      └── password
├── images
├── k3s-install.sh
├── Kuberfile
├── Metadata
└── README.md

About the k3s difference

**The installation script is k3s-insatll.sh. **

cluster role:

  • k3s server
  • k3s agents(worker nodes)

uninstalling a node:

k3s : k3s-uninstall.sh

  • k3s server : /usr/local/bin/k3s-uninstall.sh
  • k3s agent : /usr/local/bin/k3s-agent-uninstall.sh


Embedded Component Versions

Kubernetesv1.25.3open in new window
Kinev0.9.3open in new window
SQLite3.36.0open in new window
Etcdv3.5.3-k3s1open in new window
Containerdv1.6.8-k3s1open in new window
Runcv1.1.4open in new window
Flannelv0.19.2open in new window
Metrics-serverv0.6.1open in new window
Traefikv2.9.1open in new window
CoreDNSv1.9.1open in new window
Helm-controllerv0.12.3open in new window
Local-path-provisionerv0.0.21open in new window

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